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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fast Weight Loss For Women - Diet Do's and Don'ts

Are you trying to diet but having cravings and falling prey to emotional eating despite your best efforts? It's time to kick your diet into the next gear. There are many proven tried an true methods to help you get on track and stay there.

First of all consider the types of food you are eating. Protein is digested at a slower rate than carbohydrates and fat. Therefore it takes fewer protein calories to fill you up. Fiber is great because it absorbs water and slows down digestion. By doing so it expands the stomach and creates a feeling of being full. Good examples of fiber are lentils and starchy beans like kidney, navy, black, pinto and garbanzo beans. These beans have combined protein and fiber in impressive amounts. These can be eaten in soup or salad or as a side dish. You must read the nutritional labels on everything you eat. By reading the labels, you can decide on a meal with more proteins and fewer carbohydrates and fat. And the label will tell you other important information including calories, vitamin and salt content.

Get enough sleep each night. Missing out on sleep can lead to weight again and definitely will slow down weight loss. When you get less sleep your body produces a hormone that makes you more hungry. Sleep deprivation also causes the body to produce less of another hormone, leptin, that increase the feelings of satiety.

Do the down size. Eat smaller portions and use smaller plates. A smaller portion will look like more when served on a smaller plate or in a smaller bowl. By following these tips, you can expect your weight loss to kick into high gear.

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