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Monday, October 28, 2013

Are You Looking For the Magical Weight Loss Candy?

Another question - Do you think you will ever find it? Unless you are prepared to travel many galaxies and interact with beings far superior to our current selves, chances are slim there will ever be a pill that will conjure you up a body like Brad Pitt or Vanessa Hudgens over night.

As lovely as that would be, hardly likely... Sorry.

There is one thing I can give you though, and that is this:

Burning Fat Is Simple - Not Easy Though

I am not trying to contradict myself, but if you truly understand this statement you will learn that it is simple to go for a run and eat well each day - but by no means is this easy. More people that imaginable have tried fad diets and weight loss by extreme measures - and more than often end up piling even more weight back on - why is this?

It is because when you stop eating as much, your metabolism has to slow down to save food for later, when you are starving your body of food!

So, this food gets transformed into fat, to help you survive the mini hibernations you are putting your body through.

The only magical weight loss candy is to follow a decent fat burning nutrition program and to follow a properly prepared training schedule. You will not lose fat by stopping eating, as you have learned in this article - now go home and tell your teenagers this, maybe we can solve anorexia!

Do you want to learn how I got six pack abs?

For More Related Topics Blog: Which Weight Loss Pills Work

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