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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Effective Weight Loss For Men

Well I have been in that same situation myself and I have compiled a few tips that will point you in the direction that will see you achieve results. Effective weight loss for men is achievable whatever your age and starting weight. Don't let anyone tell you any different.

1) Keep a "food diary" - it is important that you are honest and write down everything that you eat, and drink. Honesty is the only way that this will work and remember - if you are doing more of the good things then you are allowed to let things slip. Now and again. Its average calorie intake which is important and you need to keep an even mind too, after all.

2) I am no Einstein but even I know and accept that you have to at least try and increase your exercise levels. But do you know, the more times you exercise the more you will begin to enjoy it. Be sensible and listen to your body. If you are tired then take it a little easier.

3) Scales should be used in two places! One is for measuring the weight loss you are achieving and the other place is in the kitchen. Measure your portions and moderate your calorific intake.

4) Stick a series of photographs on your fridge door! Get one that marks your starting off point and then take pleasure in seeing the new you developing before your very eyes.

5) Remember that we are not machines. You wouldn't run your car twenty hours a day and without checking that the engine had sufficient oil, etc. Get plenty of rest and whenever and, wherever possible, put your feet up and relax. Get sufficient sleep to keep your energy levels balanced.

Effective weight loss can be achieved if you just stick to your plan and don't lose sight of your objective.

Whether you tell yourself that it is possible to lose the weight you want to lose or you tell yourself that you can't - you're right. It really is down to you.

For More Related Topics Blog: Easy Quick Ways To Lose Weight

For More Related Topics Blog: Easy Quick Ways To Lose Weight

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